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Settings Overview
Zent Support avatar
Written by Zent Support
Updated over a week ago

You can find Settings in the bottom part of the navigation panel:

Upon clicking on Settings, you will have the following parameters:

  • General
    Here, you can see the data associated with your account: your User Name, Email, Active Orders, and the Time Zone you operate in. These parameters cannot be changed, they are set automatically.

  • Labels
    You can label your activity on Zent and, therefore, separate your field of operations - you can provide a name and description and assign a color. Below is an example of Label creation.

  • Security
    This tab allows you to change the password and 2FA Settings. It also shows all the sessions on Zent—time, IP, and device.

  • Activity Log
    The activity log saves all your actions within the Zent platform—new Exchange Accounts, Order Rules, labels created, etc.

  • Billing
    Billing data includes the Status, end date, and price of your subscription.

  • Affiliate Program
    In this section you can check users referred and rewards per invited friend. Here, you can find your code and referral link to share with friends.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to email our support team at [email protected]

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